Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Skills - Driving # 2

For guards and small forwards getting to the rim is a vital part of your position as you can not stand outside the three jacking. Its important you know how o get your defender off balance and then be able to get to the rim as quickly and efficiently as possible. This drill is a simple pump fake and an extended dribble. This can be used at anytime but i feel it is most effective when the defense is scrambling and is rushing to close you out.
  This drill requires a chair in the same position as the previous speed lay-up drill. Spin the ball out in front of you and make sure you are set to shoot. We are going to throw a pump fake first and if the defender does not take the fake you must be ready to shoot. As the defender rises you will extended your lead league or cross step depending on your pivot foot and the position of the defender. Make sure you extend your dribble in order to create space and clear the defender in such a way that it is un-recoverable for the defender. Using what you learned in the previous drill try to get to the rim quickly using one dribble or two at the very most. You need to extended to the rim quickly before the help defense can rotate across and get into position. Finish strong with a lay-up or a dunk.

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